Current job vacancies

Our people are important to us at G M Monk and are what make our business the respected and reputable company it is. We currently employ over 65 staff to support our operations and offer a friendly and supportive environment in which our staff thrive and feel valued. Find out below about our current job vacancies, based from our Eastbourne and Brighton offices in East Sussex.

Job vacancy jobs eastbourne brighton East Sussex G M Monk electrical contractor

 Contract Managers


Location: Eastbourne or Hove, East Sussex

Hours: 45 hours per week

Salary: In the region of £45,000 – £47,000 (dependent on experience)

Fire Alarm Engineer


Location: Eastbourne, East Sussex

Hours: 40 hours per week + rota’d on call

Salary: In the region of £32,000 – £35,000 (dependent on experience)

Contract Administrator (based in Hove)


Location: Hove, East Sussex

Hours: 37.5 hours per week

Salary: £23,400-£25,350 (dependent on experience)

Electrical Engineers


Location: Eastbourne or Hove, East Sussex

Hours: 45 hours per week

Salary: £35,000 – £36,000 (dependent on experience)